Solo exhibition 'Aqua-Reale' (with Morna Hinton and Jane Pickersgill) at the Jeannie Avent Gallery, East Dulwich, July 2013.


Group exhibitions include 'Made in Morley' (biennial) 2008 & 2010; BAR (Brent Artists Resource) winter and spring exhibitions; The Wise Owl Venue opening at Queen's Parade, NW2 (2012); 'Regeneration' (2013); The Rootstein Hopkins Drawing Exhibition (2013); 'A Year in Abstract' and 'Crazy Skaters' at the Food for Thought café (2014 and 2015 respectively); 'Pure Painting', 'Black & White', and 'Figure and Portrait' at BAR (June, July and September 2015 respectively); 'Made 2016' at Morley Gallery; 'Life Line', Morley (June 2016)


I joined the Espacio Gallery, London E2, in 2017. Exhibitions so far are: 'Unlimited' 30th April to 6th May 2018,  'Boundaries and Beyond' 5th to 17th February 2019, 'Free Up The Mind' 3rd to 8th September 2019, 'Red-Green-Blue' 11th to 23rd February 2020, and 'Uplift' 20th to 25th July 2021. 


Online: 'Dwell Time', April exhibition 2021 - Covid edition; Flux Magazine July exhibition 2021



Prices and commissions available on request. 

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